Accelerate Sales
Whistles are an Orbyo exclusive feature to help you generate and manage the content on your website.
Updating content on multiple social media platforms is a hassle, and usually involves hiring a social media manager and the accompanying costs. Whistles help you avoid this by allowing you to create posts for your website that you can directly share to all your social media handles; simultaneously, whistles on your social media pages helps drive more traffic to your website!
Whistles are a great way to crowd source your website content by allowing you to collaborate with customers, employees and fans to generate content, while enhancing engagement with your online audience.
To make the process even easier, we have an Orbyo App, available for android and iOS, to help you quickly and easily post whistles directly onto your website; the app also acts as a gatekeeper, making sure only whistles you approve can appear on your website.
The Orbyo system has an automated framework to help identify and retain keywords, which is a great feature for improved search engine optimisation, but also helps display content according to those keywords and categories.
The whistle feature, in short, helps you have complete control over the dynamic content of your website while providing the technological edge to help you reach your digital marketing goals.